Diigo Bookmarks 07/16/2017
Front End Development: It’s not just coding – Matt Hill – Medium
"Front End Development is an exciting melting pot of opportunities for problem solving. It’s not specifically about writing code, it’s about understanding a diverse set of requirements and working out how best to solve them."
"So many folks spend time on their CSS and their UX/UI but still come up with URLs that are at best, comically long, and at worst, user hostile."
"if you’d write some gibberish MIME-type into the type attribute, a browser wouldn’t understand it and would go straight to displaying the fallback. And, in fact, it would do the same even if you’d omit those “required” attributes at all."
"The Web Accessibility Specialist exam will provide individuals and employers with the ability to assess web accessibility competence."
Troy Hunt: Life Is About to Get a Whole Lot Harder for Websites Without HTTPS
"Here's an important observation on all this: at present, we know secure pages are secure because the browser tells us so. We know non-secure pages are not secure because the browser doesn't tell us that they're secure. Get it?"
Seeing AI | Talking camera app for those with a visual impairment
"A free app that narrates the world around you. Designed for the low vision community, this research project harnesses the power of AI to describe people, text and objects"