Diigo Bookmarks 07/04/2017
"One rule of thumb for mitigating this is, never be more explicit than you need to be. Web pages are responsive by default."
"Any time someone says “Lego”, take a drink"
Adopting Design Systems – EightShapes – Medium
"Whether a product adopts all at once or incrementally over time, you can help them understand how to adopt by breaking it down into a series of steps. And the more you make it feel like a checklist, the better."
Google Small Business: Fast mobile sites get more customers. Let's help get yours up to speed.
"How you compare to the competition: See how your business stacks up against others in your industry."
"Whitespace isn’t an empty canvas, it’s a powerful design tool. Whitespace can be hard to master: the application of whitespace is both art and science."
Booking.com — UX Analysis and Responsive Redesign – uxdesign.cc
"UX Designer is not a user experience generator, but a user feedback translator."