Diigo Bookmarks 04/17/2017
A Vue.js introduction for people who know just enough jQuery to get by
"Shu takes readers — who are presumed to have some level of proficiency with JavaScript fundamentals and jQuery — on a journey through the world of React as they build a clone of Twitter’s “compose tweet” component. This conceptual frame was quite helpful to me as someone who learns best by doing."
From the Internet Archives: The ancient design of your favorite websites
"I jotted down a short list of websites that are popular today and then started taking screenshots of their predecessors. For some reason these companies succeeded, and perhaps it was their well-built websites what helped them with it."
Designing accessible products – uxdesign.cc
"It is important to not view accessibility as a checkbox that you need to tick to meet requirements, but as a tool that helps to design for people, those we have been ignoring all these years."
A Component-based Workflow for Sketch – Abstract – Medium
"Abstract tracks changes made to any component within a Sketch file, allowing you and your team to compare different versions at the component level. This means that the more symbols in a Sketch file, the less likely you (or any of your colleagues) are to run into any conflicts."
Design Patterns and Sources – Human Friendly
"Giving the correct behavior to a component is not enough. A good combination of components makes the interfaces work smooth and fine."
Managing Technology-Agnostic Design Systems | Brad Frost
"how can we set up design systems that are portable and attainable to any tech stack while simultaneously helping product teams efficiently create consistent UIs?"