Diigo Bookmarks 04/09/2017
Styling vertical Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Mongolian text
"The CSS specification contains a lot of implementation-specific information. This article draws out the basic information that content authors need to create the more common features of vertical text."
AMP: breaking news | Andrew Betts
"If you want an independent news industry that produces quality, accurate, accessible content, we need to incentivise accuracy, not virality, and maintain creator-control over distribution."
Free Edge Testing on Windows 10
"Till now, developers have been relying on virtual machines or PC’s with Windows 10 to test their products and websites on Microsoft Edge. To provide an easier way to test, Microsoft and BrowserStack are partnering to give developers a cloud based infrastructure to instantly test and ship great experiences on Microsoft Edge."
CSS is Broken: My Dime a Dozen Opinion – Jeremy Wagner – Medium
"CSS is intentionally global in scope because it is up to you to define the scope that makes the best sense for your site. That doesn’t make it broken. It means that you don’t understand CSS well enough to make it work properly for you."
How we built Twitter Lite | Twitter Blogs
"We’re excited to introduce you to Twitter Lite, a Progressive Web App that is available at mobile.twitter.com."
A bit more on container queries. — Ethan Marcotte
"I can absolutely see the risks in using container queries to potentially fragment our designs further, creating pages filled with a host of tiny, disconnected designs. But I also wonder if it’s a little…premature, potentially."