Diigo Bookmarks 03/25/2017
An Open Letter to Bing Regarding JSON-LD
"continue to use a cumbersome inline markup syntax in order to maintain or gain search visibility in Bing, or use JSON-LD with the realization that this will result in the loss of structured data-powered features in Bing search results."
Practical CSS Grid: Adding Grid to an Existing Design · An A List Apart Article
"Understanding and using CSS Grid is easier than you might expect. The day Grid support shipped in Firefox 52, I decided on the spur of the moment to convert the basic layout of my personal site to use Grid. And it was a fairly simple process—five minutes to write the grid styles, then 15-20 spent troubleshooting"
The Road To Resilient Web Design – Smashing Magazine
"Jeremy Keith emphasizes the importance of learning from the past in order to better prepare ourselves for the future. So, perhaps we should stop and think more beyond our present moment? The following is an excerpt from Jeremy’s web book."
Modern JavaScript for Ancient Web Developers
"Here are some of the changes I had to make to my own mindset and expectations around learning a new ecosystem based on an old language which has taken over my craft."
AirSelfie | Life-size emotions
"AirSelfie is a revolutionary pocket-size flying camera that connects with your smartphone to let you take boundless HD photos of you, your friends, and your life from the sky."
Need to Catch Up on the AMP Debate? | CSS-Tricks
"The risk is that it's more development than it's worth. The risk is that you do a bunch of work and lose money. The risk is confusing users. The risk is something weird and uncouth happing at Google. Even wider scope, the risk is that AMP is bad for the web."