Diigo Bookmarks 03/21/2017
Grid “fallbacks” and overrides - rachelandrew.co.uk
"Here is a quick reference to the defined overrides with simple examples. See the resources at the end of this cheatsheet for more advice and examples."
Which Responsive Design Framework Is Best? Of Course, It Depends. – Smashing Magazine
"In the end, the right framework for you will depend on your project’s requirements, where you need help in programming (making it pretty? coding functionality?) and your personal coding philosophy (rems versus pixels? LESS versus Sass?)."
kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap: Roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2017
"Below you find a set of charts demonstrating the paths that you can take and the technologies that you would want to adopt in order to become a frontend, backend or a devops."
Better grid systems in UI design tools – Subform – Medium
"layout decisions should be made by designers, not delegated to developers. They’re critical to the form and function of an interface. Designers must be able to explore the consequences of grid layout decisions visually, not just in code."
Accessibility Business Case: Spending your money intelligently – Karl Groves
"This dance between cost vs. benefit occurs at every level and every department across the organization and the importance of this is amplified in the private sector. Every single person involved in accessibility should be able to answer to the specific business value they offer to their employers."
We built a PWA from scratch - This is what we learned
"I think every website from now on should use some of the Progressive Web App features. It’s even confusing to call it “Apps” as it applies to all websites and apps."