Diigo Bookmarks 03/09/2017
"Design language or design systems is more then just ui styles guides is also the way the team works and what are the team values & principles."
Accessibility Data Metrics and Reporting – Industry Best Practices | :last-child
"Learn how your company can collect and share data metrics for accessible product development, employee resources, and customer outreach. This presentation reflects lessons learned from the Intuit Accessibility team and other technology companies."
Developing HTML Emails for Gmail: 12 Things you MUST know
"Gmail is very finicky when it comes to parsing embedded styles. If it encounters even one error, it throws away the entire block."
World Wide Web, Not Wealthy Western Web (Part 1) – Smashing Magazine
"In this article, we’ve explored where the next 4 billion connected people will come from, as well as some of the innovations that the standards community has made to better serve them."
Va11yS: Verified Accessibility Samples
"These code samples help developers and testers understand how different web components operate with assistive technology (AT) on desktop and mobile devices. They contain sample components along with testing results. When a new OS or AT is released, the data will be updated."
The myth of automated heading outlines - Sarah E Bourne
"The current debate seems to be stuck on how to generate an algorithm that can fix missing structure markup without breaking good structure markup."