Diigo Bookmarks 01/04/2017
Does Google execute JavaScript? | Stephan Boyer
"New Years Update (1/1/2017): Apparently some time after I did this experiment Google re-indexed the page and did the AJAX call this time"
"CSS Grid is coming to browsers, unprefixed and out from behind flags this year. This post is a round-up of questions I keep being asked about browser support and grid layout."
Choosy: A smarter default browser for Mac OS X
"Instead of opening links in the default browser, Choosy sends them to the right browser. Every time. "
Adactio: Journal—Vertical limit
"The result of this messiness is that the vh unit is practically useless for real-world situations with real-world devices."……Update によれば2月には改善するらしいけど。
Indie Microblogging: owning your short-form writing by Manton Reece — Kickstarter
"Today, most writing instead goes into a small number of centralized social networking sites, where you can’t move your content, advertisements and fake news are everywhere, and if one of these sites fails, your content disappears from the internet."
The Best And Worst User Interfaces Of 2016 | Co.Design | business + design
"The human neck was not designed to be used like a joystick, and other things we learned from this year's most notable UX."