Diigo Bookmarks 12/25/2016
Learning from Lego: A Step Forward in Modular Web Design · An A List Apart Article
"Learning from Lego, we can push modular web design one step forward."
Installing the Google PageSpeed Module
"Today, I'm going to tell you more about my experience with PageSpeed optimization and a lesser known alternative to doing it yourself, Google's own PageSpeed module. You can install it for Apache and nginx."
Japanese Google Lunar X Prize team finds new ride to the moon - SpaceNews.com
"Team Hakuto, a Japanese group competing for the Google Lunar X Prize, announced Dec. 20 it has a verified contract to fly its rover on another team’s lander in 2017 after its initial partner dropped out of the competition."
Font Face Observer — fast and simple web font loading
"Font Face Observer is a fast and simple web font loader. You can use it to load fonts and customise your browser’s font loading behaviour."
Accessibility - Learn web development | MDN
"Learning some HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is useful if you want to become a web developer, but your knowledge needs to go further than just using the technologies — you need to use them responsibly, in the right way, so that you maximize the audience for your websites, and don't lock anyone out of using them."
3 Obsolete 1990s UX Design Classics That We Love
"Even today the sophistication of the keyboard on the Series 5 is jaw-dropping, and certainly unsurpassed in the palmtop form factor. The device also introduced a stylus-driven touchscreen."