Diigo Bookmarks 09/04/2016
How bad features are born - GoSquared Blog
"Whenever you’re struggling to explain why a new feature is going to help your customers, stop and run through these points to check you’re not building for the wrong reasons."
"This course dives into the why and how of making web applications accessible. As a bonus, accessible sites also tend to be more usable for everybody!"
Deque University Scholarship - Accessibility Wins, curated by Marcy Sutton
"Anyone with a disability can qualify for free online accessibility training for a year, which normally costs $315. Now, unless you have a disability, this might not seem that exciting. What’s so amazing is that as of this writing, there are 670 scholarship recipients!"
"A free digital book that teaches a practical introduction to the new foundations of graphic design. By Rune Madsen."
Mozilla plans to add Webp support to Firefox - gHacks Tech News
"Mozilla did not want to implement WebP when it first came out, but seems to have changed its stance on the format since then."
Why “Progressive Web Apps vs. native” is the wrong question to ask – Dev Channel – Medium
"Fortunately, Apple does care about PWAs, and is considering implementing Service Worker, the core feature that powers PWAs."