Diigo Bookmarks 05/29/2016
Considerations for styling the tag - The Media Temple Blog
"If you use actual tab characters in the blocks of text within <pre> tags (not just multiple spaces that look like tabs), you might be surprised at how wide those tab characters render."
More Meaningful CSS - Snook.ca
"You can always come up with element selectors for a specific scenario, a specific combination of HTML. But large projects change and with those changes, requires the ability to decipher what the CSS is doing and under what conditions, in order to be able to change it at will."
Secret Media report on ad blocking - Business Insider
"Ads take up just 9% of the space on a web page, but are accountable for 54% of the load time, the study found."
Ensuring high-quality browser accessibility with automation | Microsoft Edge Dev Blog
"It’s important to understand that the DOM tree and the accessibility tree have two different sets of elements, which don’t always have a one-to-one relationship. For example, the video element might not have any children in the DOM tree, but will have several children in the accessibility tree."
Developing Dependency Awareness – Smashing Magazine
"Reducing dependencies improves the likelihood that your site will be usable by the greatest number of people in the widest variety of scenarios."
Using CSS's object-fit and object-position Properties
"The other reason is that the background properties cannot be applied to videos whereas object-fit and object-position can. Therefore, when displaying videos, object-fit and object-position are your only options."