Diigo Bookmarks 05/23/2016
Rich Cards and Google's Structured Data Restructuring
"Let's take a closer look at some of the more significant of these changes, and what their implications might be for a site owner's search visibility and search engine optimization efforts."
"In conclusion, the problem with all is such that the implementation is so inconsistent across browsers that it’s useless"
"Centering in CSS is a pain in the ass. This is a code generator that consolidates them and gives you the code you need for each situation."
HTTPS and the Semantic Web/Linked Data | W3C Blog
"is the community agreed that if two URIs differ only in the scheme (http://, https:// and perhaps whatever comes in future) then they identify the same resource? We believe that this can only be asserted by the domain owner."
jQuery 3.0 Release Candidate…Released! | Official jQuery Blog
"This is the same code we expect to release as the final version of jQuery 3.0 (pending any major bugs or regressions). When released, jQuery 3.0 will become the only version of jQuery."
Alfred 3 Is Here! - Alfred Blog
"Type less, say more; With Alfred's new text expansion feature, type a keyword and a whole text snippet will appear in its place. It has become an essential part of our work day instantly!"
CSS Purge - Saving the web 1kb at a time.
"CSS file sizes are getting overweight, theres an outbreak of bugs, lets treat it seriously."