Diigo Bookmarks 05/05/2016
"You can now leverage the power of mjml directly from its first desktop app."
a11y - Accessibility Audits For The Web
"The A11y Command-line Tools assist in discovering common web accessibility issues, such as detecting if your page can be read with a screenreader or works well with high-constrast mode enabled."
Web Developer? Work for Adult Swim
"Do you use Dreamweaver?"
Meaningful CSS: Style Like You Mean It · An A List Apart Article
"We can use real objects now, instead of creating abstract representations of them. The browser support is there."
Refactoring Legacy CSS | Sparkbox | Web Design and Development
"By leaving the old set of styles in place until they were all updated, I was confident everything would continue to work until I was able to make all the updates, and only then could I finally delete the old code."
The Mobile Revolution: Reconstructing Familiar Interactions | UX Magazine
"The size of devices will probably shrink again once we have the data structures in place to support presenting the right content at the right time, as well as interaction technologies like voice."