Diigo Bookmarks 03/29/2016
7 Bad Graphic Design Habits to Lose | Designer Tips
"Knowing what designer mistakes are is the first step. Then a designer will become aware if they start to slip into any of the following bad habits."
Frend — A collection of accessible, modern front-end components.
"Frend components are modest and dependency-free. They are built with web standards as a priority and aim to avoid assumptions about tooling or environment."
The Netflix Tech Blog: Extracting image metadata at scale
"This blog describes how we use computer vision algorithms to address the challenges of focal point, text placement and image clustering at a large scale."
How Good Are Your HTML and CSS Comments?
"They not only help yourself, but they can help other people in your team. Gone are the days that we saw comments like DO NOT STEAL MY CODE in people’s source code."
Why I don’t use CSS preprocessors | 456 Berea Street
"I set up both CSScomb and PostCSS to work on my source CSS, which means I always see the results. No black boxes."
Adactio: Journal—The web on my phone
"The point is that locking me into one particular browser on my phone doesn’t sit right with me. It’s not very …webby."