Diigo Bookmarks 01/21/2016
Looking back on 2015: six exciting web technologies
"In 2015, there was an amazing amount of innovation related to the web platform. The following sections describe six technologies that I find exciting"
Progressive Web Apps | Web Fundamentals - Google Developers
"A Progressive Web App uses modern web capabilities to deliver an app-like user experience. They evolve from pages in browser tabs to immersive, top-level apps, leveraging the web's low friction."
The "Average Page" is a myth - igvita.com
"Focusing on the average leads us to believe that mobile pages are significantly "lighter", whereas in reality all we can say so far is that the desktop distribution has a longer tail with much heavier pages."
Why I Left Gulp and Grunt for npm Scripts — Medium
"I’ve found Gulp and Grunt to be unnecessary abstractions. npm scripts are plenty powerful and often easier to live with."
CSS coding styleguide - Frontend Guides
"The purpose of the CSS coding styleguide is to create consistent CSS or preprocessor CSS code across 18F. The styleguide should be treated as a guide — rules can be modified according to project needs."
A Specificity Battle! (and other trickery) | CSS-Tricks
"There are an awful lot of ways to one-up the existing specificity without repeating the same trick."