Diigo Bookmarks 01/09/2016
CSS Day 2016, 16th and 17th of June, Amsterdam
"CSS Day is a two-day advanced web development conference, one day about CSS, and one day about HTML."
"Bootstrap is a good tool for prototyping but in my opinion, unnecessary and overly complicated for production."
A Book Apart, Get Ready for CSS Grid Layout
"Move out in front of the curve and learn how to use CSS Grid Layout today. Learn exactly what you need to know, from line-based positioning basics to evaluating template areas, with a detailed explanation of the new spec."
LukeW | Mobile Web vs. Native Apps or Why You Want Both
"The Web is for audience reach and native apps are for rich experiences. Both are strategic. Both are valuable. So when it comes to mobile, it's not Web vs. Native. It's both."
"Can we rethink accessibility in more effective and sustainable terms—ones that generate a positive return on investment for providers and a pleasurable user experience for everyone?"
AccessibleUX.org | An accessible user experience community of practice
"Welcome to AccessibleUX.org, a community of practice joining accessibility and user experience."