Diigo Bookmarks 07/20/2015
Use aria-labelledby to provide context to unordered lists | :last-child
"Screen readers allow the user to navigate a page via lists and announce the number of items in each list. But what if we could make this navigation more relevant? This can be done via the aria-labelledby attribute."
Performance: Showing Versus Telling · An A List Apart Article
"At Etsy, we’ve saved the videos to a central location and created a simple HTML page that reloads every few seconds to show the videos on repeat. Whenever Etsy’s homepage undergoes a major change, we update the videos manually."
12 Little-Known CSS Facts (The Sequel)
"The good thing about this one is that browsers seem to have a decent standard for what constitutes the “first letter” of an element."
Flexbox style grids with nth-child Magic.
"Another cool use of nth and last child selectors are what I'm writing about today, making a cool flexbox style responsive grid."
Improving Responsive Web Design With RESS
"RESS never became a widely-used technique because feature detection is difficult — especially on the server. Your detection code must be verified, updated and maintained every time a new browser or feature is released. Fortunately, there are third-party services such as Netbiscuits which do the hard work for you and are constantly updated with the latest device information."
10 Ways to Minimize Reflows and Improve Performance
"The reflow processing flow hit will vary. Some browsers are better than others at certain operations. Some elements are more expensive to render than others. Fortunately, there are several general tips you can use to enhance performance."