Diigo Bookmarks 05/19/2015
Creating Responsive Shapes With Clip-Path And Breaking Out Of The Box – Smashing Magazine
"Clipping, with the clip-path property, is akin to cutting a shape (like a circle or a pentagon) from a rectangular piece of paper. The property belongs to the “CSS Masking Module Level 1” specification."
The Importance of Web Performance Optimization
"For their responsive mobile website, the BBC, for example, determined that each page should be usable within 10 seconds on a GPRS connection and set their goals for page weight and request count in correlation to that budget."
"It is important to note that by design, hiding the content (using CSS display:none or visibility:hidden or the HTML hidden attribute) of the element(s) referenced by these attributes does not stop the content from being used to provide the name/description."
Eric Meyer on the past, present and future of CSS | netmag | Creative Bloq
"I'd recommend to everyone to start on the assumption that you'll use responsive design – and only if you then decide it's inappropriate should you not do it."
Making abbr elements touch accessible - Growing with the Web
"abbr-touch.js is a tiny JavaScript library that attaches touch events to abbr tags, which enable the display of the expanded term to the user."
Everyone Is Different: Global Accessibility Awareness DayUX Mastery
"As creators of digital experiences, our mission is to make sure our users can do what they need to do. We’re all different, and we should respect those differences in ourselves and in others."