Diigo Bookmarks 04/06/2015
» Responsive Images 101, Part 6: Picture Element Cloud Four Blog
"Unlike srcset and sizes, when you use the media attribute, you are dictating to the browser which source should be used."
A Primer To Background Positioning In CSS : Adobe Dreamweaver Team Blog
"The background-origin property is used to change the origin of the coordinate system used to position the background image in the background positioning area."
Playing With Flexbox and Quantity Queries, From the Notebook of Aaron Gustafson
"The Idea: A grid layout that flexes to visually highlight 1-2 upcoming future events and allows the others to flow in at the default grid size. It should be set up to handle everything from a single future event to a dozen or more."
BDConf | The Past, Present, and Future of Responsive Images
"Explore the path to a standardized solution, look at some of the proposals that will be shaping our future work; and learn techniques we can use to start saving our users’ bandwidth today."
Precise control over responsive typography · MadebyMike
"It is possible to have precise control over responsive typography. Using calc() and viewport units you can create fluid type that scales perfectly between specific pixel values, within a specific viewport range."
Loading CSS without blocking render by Keith Clark
"Some browsers appear to still block CSS render despite media="none". This means CSS loads as it usually would — I'm looking into this."