Diigo Bookmarks 02/17/2015
Next Steps for Section 508 Refresh | Interactive Accessibility
"The US Access Board has made an announcement regarding the Section 508 refresh. The draft rule will now be sent to the Federal Register for publication. After that, there will be a 90-day public comment period."
RodriguezCommaJ – New Book Sample: Typography in Email
"I prefer to hand-code inline styles so that I can a) keep the code clean and b) know and understand every piece of my email template. Also, I don’t trust the robots."
Using The CSS :target Selector To Create JavaScript-less UI Effects : Adobe Dreamweaver Team Blog
"I hope this introduction helped show you to the possibilities at hand when using and styling content with CSS pseudo-class selectors."
Targeted.io - Simple HTML email design testing
"Test your email designs across 40 email clients before you send them."
"Alfred App Workflow for caniuse.com"