Diigo Bookmarks 02/08/2015
Experiment: Using Flexbox Today - Chris Wright
"These tutorials exist for a purpose, either they're trying to show you what the properties are and what they do, or they're trying to excite you about future possibilities."
7 simple rules for mobile typography | Webdesigner Depot
"Mobile devices have inherent challenges for any typographer: space is limited, and ambient light is often poor. But by making simple adjustments to the techniques we already use for the Web, we can improve readability on mobile devices."
An exploration in Material Design by feedly — Medium
"This exploration’s main goal was to create a new version of feedly, fully enhanced with Google’s Material Design to give our team a design direction for future releases."
Advanced ARIA Tip #2: Accessible modal dialogs | Marco's Accessibility Blog
"I know opinions may differ on this, but since you’re on my blog and I can give you my advice, that is: Don’t use role “alertdialog”."
"An extensive CSS reference with all the important properties and info to learn CSS from the basics"
Digital Marketing Predictions & Trends for 2015 - Market Blog
"The growth in email usage on mobile and wearables (like the upcoming Apple Watch) will take marketing emails beyond responsive design. We’ll see an increased focus on optimising pre-header text as a call to action in the preview pane, along with cleaner, stripped back, lightweight email marketing templates."