Diigo Bookmarks 10/28/2014
"FormatJS is a modular collection of JavaScript libraries for internationalization that are focused on formatting numbers, dates, and strings for displaying to people."
IndieWebify.Me - a guide to getting you on the IndieWeb
"We should all own the content we're creating, rather than just posting to third-party content silos. Publish on your own domain, and syndicate out to silos. This is the basis of the "Indie Web" movement."
Introducing the HTML5 “Menu” and “Menuitem” Elements - Tuts+ Web Design Tutorial
"These two elements are amongst the least talked-about among developers, probably owing to their lack of support in major browsers. Firefox is the sole browser to have implemented this element at the time of writing."
The Anti-hero of CSS Layout - "display:table" | colintoh.com
"I have to emphazie that CSS Table is not the silver bullet for layouts. Use them at the right context and you will save yourself the agony of many late-night CSS hacking."
Datalists for Different Input Types | CSS-Tricks
"If a browser wants to build a datepicker thingy, great, but not doing it doesn't violate the spec. Thus, this additional UI nicety also isn't required."
LukeW | Designing for Large Screen Smartphones
"As smartphones continue to get larger but our hands don’t, what kinds of design solutions can ensure mobile interactions remain comfortable, quick, and easy on our thumbs? Here's a few options to consider..."