Diigo Bookmarks 04/29/2014
Responsive eCommerce: The Results Are In — Perspectives 2014 — Medium
"The concern with email marketing is that it can be difficult to craft landing pages for both desktop-optimised sites and mobile-optimised sites, particularly for high volumes of email marketing."
Designing apps for the visually impaired by @elliotEKJ — Realmac Blog
"Each person that has a bad experience with your app means (at least) one less user for you and obviously, that's something we don't want."
What's the Difference Between Sass and SCSS?
"Initially, Sass was part of another preprocessor called Haml, designed and written by Ruby developers. Because of that, Sass stylesheets were using a Ruby-like syntax with no braces, no semi-colons and a strict indentation"
30 Opera Browser Extensions for Web Designers and Developers - DesignM.ag
"This gallery is dedicated to extensions for Opera which can help you design, take apart, reconstruct, or analyze websites. Both designers and developers will find something useful in this collection."
Incomplete List of Mistakes in the Design of CSS [CSS Working Group Wiki]
"The top and bottom margins of a box should never have been allowed to collapse together automatically as this is the root of all margin-collapsing evil."
Locko - Password manager and file vault
"Locko is the most secure way to store your sensitive personal information. It makes your everyday life much easier. You need to remember only one password from now on."