Diigo Bookmarks 04/23/2014
Standards shaping up for responsive images
"The latest picture spec introduces a smarter way to handle images for multiple viewports and screen densities: Using a simple <img> element with srcset and sizes attributes."
A workflow for responsive emails using Ink and Grunt -- Medium
"The purpose of this article is to share my findings in this quest, in the hope that whoever comes next will find a much easier and efficient way to deal with this burden that is HTML email templating."
"I ended up using Hologram because of my task at hand (documenting a design that was mostly complete) and my tendency as a developer to want the ability to customize, but all of the options have serious strengths."
GitHub-Assisted Web Development / Needmore Designs Blog
"I wrote this quick guide for teams with a majority of non-developers among them. There are plenty of great guides on using GitHub for plain old writing code, but this is not one of them. If you're a web designer or project manager who keeps hearing about GitHub, this might be for you."
What's Going on with Web Accessibility in Australia? | http://blog.hisoftware.com
"Any websites that are owned or operated by the Australian government need to conform to WCAG 2.0 level AA by the end of 2014. This requirement applies to all Web content--regardless of whether it is on the Internet or intranet."