Diigo Bookmarks 04/19/2014
Web Components and you – dangers to avoid | Christian Heilmann
"It is important for every web developer to speak up now and talk to the people who build browsers. We need to make this happen in a way our end users benefit from Web Components the best. We need to ensure that we focus our excitement on the long-term goal of Web Components."
Animating SVG with CSS | CSS-Tricks
"There isn't just one way to animate SVG. There is the
tag that goes right into the SVG code. There are libraries that help with it like Snap.svg or SVG.js. We're going to look at another way: using inline SVG (SVG code right inside HTML) and animating the parts right through CSS." -
UX Dilemma: Red Button vs. Green Button
"choose either green OR red for a call to action — but never both — is the best way"
Get on the CSS Grid! - HTML5Rocks Updates
"This feature is available to try out in Chrome behind an experimental flag. It’s also implemented in IE since version 10, and likely to be in most browsers soon."
Touch-friendly Drag and Drop | mobiForge
"There is an official HTML5 drag and drop API in the works. This is not the focus of this article. The main justification for omitting this is that there is very poor support for the current draft of the specification across mobile browsers."
"Our findings indicate that, for organizations looking to define a global digital accessibility policy, there are some signs of convergence of legal and technical requirements, particularly in regard to definition of the rights of people with disabilities, and in terms of WCAG 2.0 conformance."