Diigo Bookmarks 04/06/2014
Responsive Web Design in 2014: Stats and Trends | codeitdown.com
"How widespread are today's responsive designs among the world's most visited websites? What are the most common site widths and font sizes? In codeitdown, we conducted a small case study that pretends to answer these and some other important design questions."
RWD: Responsible Web Design and how websites cope with compromised connectivity | mobiForge
"Getting good a connection for voice calls has never been guaranteed, so I wanted to check how well some major brand’s web presences would fare under my particular set of circumstances on a mobile network connections."
Working with flexbox | Adobe Developer Connection
"In this article I'll walk you through the latest flexbox specification and use a simple demo to show you how to create a layout that's flexible, and has equal height columns and elements that you can arrange in any order, regardless of their order in the HTML source."
Web accessibility and cognitive disabilities | Access iQ
"What practical things can content authors, web developers and web designers be doing to increase the accessibility of websites for people with cognitive disabilities? They can apply a ’less is more’ approach."
Google SEO and web accessibility | Access iQ
"Having unique and relevant page titles and meta descriptions will not only help your SEO. It will also increase your webpage’s accessibility in the search result."
Designing for Mobile, Part 2: Interaction Design - UX Booth | UX Booth
"Part 1 concluded with an exploration of information architecture in the mobile context. This provides a good foundation for the rest of the design process."