Diigo Bookmarks 03/22/2014
Leveling Up With Flexbox presentation at Smashing Conference
"Download the slides and view the demos for my presentation on practical flexbox progressive enhancement, “Leveling Up With Flexbox” for Smashing Conference in Oxford, as well as get links to related articles, tutorials, and tools on Flexible Box Layout."
"Table collapses into a "list" on small screens. Headers are pulled from data attributes."
Getting started with Grunticon - The Iconfinder Blog
"Grunticon is good alternative to icon fonts. It uses SVG files and embeds them in a CSS file that makes it super useful for web project. It’s a bit tricky to set up, so we created this guide to help you get started."
Ditch Photoshop. Design for the web using Sketch. — Medium
"Did someone say CSS? All styles translate properly into CSS. Yes they really do."
A Detailed Introduction To Custom Elements | Smashing Coding
"Using Custom Elements comes with one big caveat: JavaScript is required. Without it, your brand new element simply won’t work and will fall back to being a plain old HTMLUnknownElement. Unless your element gets adopted natively by browsers, there’s simply no way around this. Just plan for a graceful fallback, as you should be doing with JavaScript anyway."
Some things can't be wireframed | Inside Intercom
"Wireframes restrict your vision for components, as they’re just re-usable blocks. They tell you, for example, that all text editors look the same."