Diigo Bookmarks 03/02/2014
Making Embedded Content Work In Responsive Design | Smashing Mobile
"Embedded content has a habit of breaking responsive layouts, because it’s contained in an iframe with a fixed width. In this article, we’ve seen how to add a single containing wrapper, and some CSS, to ensure that all embedded content contained in an iframe resizes with the browser’s window."
"An application and library that transforms image files to data URIs (rfc2397) and embeds them into a single CSS file as background images."
Confused About REM and EM? | Jeremy Church
"If I’m trying to reset a font size with rem, it’s probably a sign my CSS is not very modular and due for a refactor."
“Should we detect screen readers?” is the wrong question | Karl Groves
"if your approach to accessibility has anything to do with detecting screenreaders, you’ve clearly misunderstood accessibility."
CSUN 2014 Hackathon : Unrepentant
"The details are still fluid, but the idea is this: ARIA is here (cue the cheering), but working devs still need to deal with backward compatibility – what works where, and what doesn’t work where?"
Why screen reader detection on the web is a bad thing | Marco’s accessibility blog
"Aural style sheets never gained acceptance because the expected gain was just not there, and the desire to have equal access to the same content as everybody else was much stronger."