Diigo Bookmarks 01/27/2014
Getting started with gulp — Mark Goodyear — Front-end developer and designer
"With gulp we only input one file. This gets modified by the Sass plugin, passed to the Autoprefixer plugin and modified, then we get one file out. This process speeds up the build process as we’re not reading and writing unnecessary files to end up with one."
"This presentation was created for the Mobile+Web Developer Conference in San Francisco, Jan. 2014 "
Working With LESS and the Chrome DevTools | Nettuts+
"With Source Maps, when inspecting a DOM node on the page, DevTools will automatically show the styles originating from the LESS source file."
Goodbye to 8 Design Elements Whose Time has Come | UX Magazine
"The carousel as we know it will likely evolve into a more gallery-like interface based on swipes and navigation rather than a time-based approach."
So, You’re Writing A Responsive Images Script | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA
"There are layers upon layers of optimizations built into browsers to pre-parse, pre-fetch, and pre-render images long before we even see a page begin to load—even as far back as Internet Explorer 8."
Responsive Measure: A jQuery plugin for responsive typography
"Responsive Measure is a simple script that allows you to pass in a selector (ideally the container where your primary content will go) which generates the ideal font size needed to produce the ideal measure for your text."