Diigo Bookmarks 12/27/2013
Average Page Weights Increase by 32% in 2013 - SitePoint
"It’s ironic that developers are willing to adopt RWD techniques while making the same website unusable on the devices they’re targeting."
"Support of Can I Use database. All CSS abbreviations are resolved against “Can I Use” database to provide vendor-prefixed properties."
Interviewing as a Front-End Engineer in San Francisco | CSS-Tricks
"I'm sure part of the problem is the newness of the need for front-end only positions as well as the term "front-end engineer" itself. It's not a well-defined term and could mean very different things depending on who was using it."
Maybe it’s Time Your Emails Become Mobile-Friendly [Infographic]
"51% of all email and 61% of webmail is now opened on mobile devices"
Intro to Shadow DOM | Nettuts+
"The interesting part is that it’s not something new! Various browsers have already been using this methodology to implement native widgets like date, sliders, audio, video players, etc."