Diigo Bookmarks 11/13/2013
"Makes sure your designers and developers are sharing the same set of UI patterns. We make it easy for companies -- big and small -- to share resources, bootstrap ideas, and iterate quickly."
jQuery for Beginners - CodeProject
"jQuery is a JavaScript library which has a wide range of actions such as event handling, animation, HTML document traversing, and AJAX interaction for web development. jQuery simplifies JavaScript programming."
Scalable Web Design - Treehouse Blog
"I'm sure some people will hate this term because scalable already can refer to building sites that are capable of handling lots of traffic, but you could say similar things about the term responsive."
Design Trends: Is One Web a Reality? - Pixel77
"As Jeremy Keith said "I don't write for devices, I write for people". If this attitude can be adopted by the design and development community, website owners and copywriters, interface will cease to be relevant and it will provide the opportunity for One Web to become a reality."
HTML Imports: #include for the web - HTML5 Rocks
"HTML Imports, part of the Web Components cast, is a way to include HTML documents in other HTML documents. You're not limited to markup either. An import can also include CSS, JavaScript, or anything else an .html file can contain."
"The concept interrogates the varying complexity of symbols used on devices, and aims to find the perfect balance of simplicity in relation to screen size."