Diigo Bookmarks 11/12/2013
South Korean Authorities Admit They Are “Behind the Times” with Internet Explorer Laws
"A report that came out this week revealed that Internet Explorer remains the dominant browser in South Korea due to local laws that force shopping services to stick to a digital certificate supported by Microsoft’s own app exclusively."
Flexible Google-style loader with CSS | Lea Verou
"for a while I had noticed the nice sutble loader Google apps use and I was wondering if it would be easy to make with CSS and CSS animations"
Flat vs. Deep Website Hierarchies
"Information can be organized in either flat or deep hierarchies; both have their advantages and pitfalls."
Take CSS Regions out for a drive in Safari 6.1 & 7! | Web Platform Team Blog
"With the Mavericks release, CSS Regions are available in Safari 6.1 & 7 too! You can use them with -webkit- prefix and have them work in all the latest versions of Safari on mobile and desktop."
A Guide to Web Components | CSS-Tricks
"Obviously when you're hiding markup in secret shadow DOM sandboxes the issue of accessibility becomes pretty important. Steve Faulkner took a look at accessibility in shadow DOM and seemed to be satisfied with what he found."
"Helps you to test web fonts on any web site on the fly !Enter the site url and preview instantly the fonts with-out any hassle !"