Diigo Bookmarks 11/08/2013
Introducing Ink: Our New Responsive Email Framework by ZURB
"Iterating and improving our emails is something we've been working on since last year. And we've been teasing that a new solution was coming. Well, today's the day! Ink, our brand-new responsive framework, is finally here."
IE11 Comes to Windows 7 - SitePoint
"There are several differences in the Windows 7 version of IE11. These are mostly Windows 8-specific or touch screen-related features which would not apply to the OS."
Google Apps update alerts: End of support for Internet Explorer 9
"Google’s test plans have been adjusted to now stop all testing and engineering work related to Internet Explorer 9 (IE9), as Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) was released on 17 October 2013."
Adactio: Journal—Icon fonts, unicode ranges, and IE8’s compatibility mode
"Well, it turns out that using assigning glyphs to this private use area was causing IE8 to flip into compatibility mode. Once Mark assigned the glyphs to different characters, IE8 started behaving itself."
Five Simple Steps - Front-end Style Guides
"Style guides, once the exclusive domain of print designers, are now finding their way onto the web. In this pocket guide, you'll learn about the style guides that have been created specifically for websites, and how to make your own."
Internet Explorer 11: the Review - SitePoint
"IE11 reviews are surprisingly rare on the web. It’s mentioned in Windows 8.1 reviews but the browser has been largely met with indifference."