Diigo Bookmarks 11/07/2013
Responsive HTML Emails: a Different Strategy - Fog Creek Blog
"So rather than depend on media queries to modify the layout, we thought, “Why not just design one layout that looks good on all screen sizes?”"
Interesting UI Concept: Navicon Transformicons
"An alternative UI design approach would be to substitute the navicon with another icon to give users an appropriate visual hint for each unique event."
Kendo UI | HTML5 Mobile Challenge
"Kendo UI is everything you need to build HTML5 sites and mobile apps. Enjoy seamless coding with its complete integrated package that includes a jQuery-based toolset of rich UI widgets, a powerful data source, dynamic data visualizations, and exceptionally fast micro-templates. "
"Firefox 27 was just uplifted to the Aurora release channel which means we are back to report on new features in Firefox Developer Tools."
Chromium Blog: Announcing Octane 2.0
"Traditional benchmarks simply measure how quickly JavaScript can be executed. Octane 2.0 additionally measures latency, which is another important aspect of performance that is concerned with the smoothness of execution."
Faster and safer than typing a password. Just Knock. For iPhone + Mac.
"You keep your iPhone with you all the time. Now you can use it as a password. You never have to open the app— just knock on your phone twice, even when it’s in your pocket, and you're in."