Diigo Bookmarks 10/27/2013
Offline.js – Handle your users losing their internet connection like a pro
"Offline.js is a library to automatically alert your users when they've lost internet connectivity, like Gmail."
Starting Photoshop HTML5 Extension development — On Coding — Medium
"In this post I briefly cover what you need to download to get started with HTML5 extension development in Photoshop. Later on we’ll look at debugging and how to execute your Javascript to manipulate the Photoshop document."
Outlook: Your Best Worst Enemy for Responsive Emails by ZURB
"Based on the Microsoft Office (Word) HTML rendering engine, Outlook has trouble with many fairly standard CSS features such as fluid width images and the display property."
resimagecrop – a responsive image solution | Ian Devlin
"It’s a simple RESS based PHP script called resimagecrop.php that takes a number of arguments and returns an image based on the values of those arguments."
Ryan Bruce | Art directed responsive images
"The final step is to set up the CSS rules for the horizontal and vertical offsets by looking to see if the source of the image contains hpos and vpos."
Space Shuttle Endeavour Exclusive: A Timelapse of the Final Ride - LightBox
"Andrews and his team left none of this unrecorded. Their 12 cameras captured about 500 hours — or six terabytes — of data over the course of the four days, nearly all of which they spent on the flat-bed crawler with the shuttle, getting about four hours’ sleep out of every 24."