Diigo Bookmarks 10/19/2013
"CSS framework for fast, intuitive development of responsive websites. Available in 12, 16 and 24 columns with media queries for all standard devices, clearfix, and optional reset."
5 Advanced Mobile Web Design Techniques You’ve Probably Never Seen Before | Mobify
"In this post, you’ll find five awesome design patterns from Style.com that you’ve likely never seen before while browsing the web on a smartphone."
Lightening your RWD website with RESS | mobiForge
"PageSpeed notices the width="…" tag for each image and resizes it down if necessary, replacing the image source attribute with a reference to a resized version of the same thing."
Google Chrome Blog: Extending Chrome support for XP users until April 2015
"Since unpatched browser bugs are often used by malware to infect computers, we’re extending support for Chrome on Windows XP, and will continue to provide regular updates and security patches until at least April 2015."
Easier Browsing for the Blind and Visually Impaired in IE11 - IEBlog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
"With IE11, screen readers can now read the candidate characters to the user. For example, in this video, Microsoft Narrator announces the list of candidates, along with the current target, as the user types “すし” (sushi). Users are also told when their candidate is finalized."
HTML5 for the Mobile Web - Forms and Input Types | mobiForge
"In this article we take a look at some of the new form enhancements available in HTML5, and look at how they contribute to an improved user experience for mobile forms."