Diigo Bookmarks 10/10/2013
On Encrypted Video and the Open Web | W3C Blog
"There has been a lot of response to the announcement that W3C considers content protection for video as in-scope for discussion in the HTML Working Group. In this post I can touch on some of the arguments."
Responsive Images Using Picturefill and PHP - SitePoint
"In essence, Picturefill allows you to specify different src attributes for an image, each image file corresponding to a different media query. Thus a large image will be fetched if – and only if – the screen size requires it, and likewise a mobile-optimised version of an image will be fetched and displayed as appropriate. This approach requires some more effort, however – the images themselves need to be created at the appropriate sizes. That's the focus of this article."
"Naver is an easy way to turn any navigation system into a responsive-ready, mobile-friendly toggle."
Popular Web Design Trends for Responsive Navigation - Treehouse Blog
"In this article I want to cover various navigation trends found in great responsive websites. These examples should prove useful if you are new to responsive design or just want to understand navigation better. The mobile-responsive ideology is still fairly new and there is plenty of ground to cover for building unique solid navigation systems."
A Beginner's Guide to CSS Regions - SitePoint
"Regions allows you to use CSS properties to flow content into containers and is ideal for web magazine sites and others that require dynamic text. It can be used to create responsive layouts, perfect for today’s modern web on a variety of devices."
VisualPing - Visual Website Monitoring. Simplified.
"Get notified on visual changes of a website or website area."