Diigo Bookmarks 10/09/2013
Building an Accessible Tab Panel – an ARIA example
"This post is part of my series in using ARIA. This post shows how to make a tab panel accessible using ARIA."
Flexbox layout isn't slow - HTML5Rocks Updates
"TL;DR: Old flexbox (display: box) is 2.3x slower than new flexbox (display: flex)."
Hitting the accessibility high notes with ARIA | :last-child
"ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) allows web developers to make their complex web applications accessible. This presentation will introduce ARIA attributes and how they establish landmarks, states, and roles. Learn how to use the basic elements that belong on every application. This presentation will also show more advanced topics, such as invalid form inputs, live regions, and fixing divitis."
“Now with Responsive!,” an article by Dan Mall
"Not only did I have to refactor the code (at least CSS and a bit of HTML), but I wanted to start using SVG where possible, ditch image replacement entirely, GZIP files, move over to a CDN, and many more acronyms. I also wanted a more intricate understanding of how these things affected performance. Here’s what I found."
Development Is Design | Brad Frost Web
"As multi-device Web design quickly becomes the norm, the throw-it-over-the-fence style of creating websites is going to be increasingly difficult. The modern Web design process requires intense collaboration between designers and front-end developers."
"Instead of generating different grid system every time designing a new website, Typegrid allows you to generate and modify responsive grid sets on-the-go, powered by less.js."