Diigo Bookmarks 08/19/2013
LukeW | An Event Apart: Hot Links
"Many touch based devices don't support hover actions. But some devices, like the Samsung Galaxy Note, allow hovering with a stylus. So it's not entirely true that there is no hover on mobile."
5 Myths About Mobile Web Performance | Blog | Sencha
"Mobile JavaScript + mobile DOM access is getting progressively faster, but you should still treat the iPhone 5 as if it’s a Chrome 1.0 browser on a 2008-era desktop (aka 5–10x faster than desktop IE8)."
An open-source web server with built-in pre-processing – Harp
"Harp serves Jade, Markdown, EJS, CoffeeScript, LESS and Stylus as HTML, CSS & JavaScript—no configuration necessary. It makes front-end development a treat."
"Browsers which do not support SVG will ignore unknown tag svg and thanks to image is replaced with img"
Alfred/Hazel Workflow for Screen Capture | Konigi
"I'm on, summon Alfred with a few keystrokes, and then it gets captured, optimized, and uploaded to my server in the background."
HTML5 Popularity Among Fortune 500 Companies
"XHTML 1.0 Transitional may be the most popular choice as of now among the 500 companies analyzed, but results indicate that those using HTML5 seem to bring in more revenue and profits."