Diigo Bookmarks 04/09/2013
Media Queries are a Hack by Ian Storm Taylor
"The big buzzwords in CSS these days are “modular” and “responsive”—and for good reasons. But we’re still trying to achieve those goals with the wrong tool: Media Queries. What we actually need is a tool that doesn’t exist yet: Element Queries."
LukeW | An Event Apart: Responsive and Responsible
"Images are 62% of file size on Web pages."
Using aria-describedby to replicate fieldset and legend | :last-child
"This example fixes a form that included a form within a table. It uses the aria-describedby attribute to connect the individual form inputs with a header cell."
The future of WCAG - maximising its strengths not its weaknesses - Hassell Inclusion
"So, for 2013, I thought it was time to summarise WCAG 2.0′s strengths and weaknesses, what strengths other national standards have that it may lack, and what will be needed to make it a much better ‘harmonised Standard’ for the future."
"There are no such things as "CSS classes". Here's why you should refer to HTML classes, CSS class selectors, or even CSS pseudo-classes, but not "CSS classes"."
So You're Going To Start A Huge New Web Project | CSS-Tricks
"I was asked this past week to consult for a company embarking on a huge new website redesign. I thought I'd write up some thoughts that I would share with anyone in that position."
Don't be caught out by a checklist mentality for web accessibility | Access iQ
"Web accessibility as a process is about the organisational adoption of a set of principles and values that result in systemic culture change, which can never be achieved through checklist thinking."