Diigo Bookmarks 03/25/2013
Easily center text vertically, with SVG! | Lea Verou
"Of course, it comes with its own set of drawbacks, but there are cases where it might be better than the existing solutions."
Use MathML today, with CSS fallback! | Lea Verou
"There are libraries to make it work cross-browser, the most popular of which is MathJax. However, this was pretty big for my needs, I just wanted one simple equation in one goddamn slide."
Don't Guess it, Test it! | Aerotwist
"many people want a quick fix to the problem of performance, just like a weight loss pill, but in reality what they really need is exercise."
We’re not ‘appy. Not ‘appy at all. | Government Digital Service
"Apps may be transforming gaming and social media, but for utility public services, the ‘making your website adapt really effectively to a range of devices’ approach is currently the better strategy."
Responsible Considerations For Responsive Web Design | Smashing Coding
"We need to be very careful when talking about contexts — design decisions related to context must be based on fact rather than assumption."
Responsive Web Design is not a war | Float Left
コメントより"I have spoken to a few people with poor vision about their preferences, and they unanimously appreciate the responsive design over the full-site overview precisely because they don't have to zoom in and be constantly reminded that their vision sucks."
The Five Elements Of Modular And Adaptive Content - Vanseo Design
"We can hide details until requested as long as we include those details. We can present information in a different order or different combination. All the information should be present on all devices, but it can be arranged and combined in different ways."
There Is No Breakpoint | Sparkbox
"By placing our media queries inline, immediately following the smallest styles, we can group styles by the components they impact and not worry about following a specific set of breakpoints."