Diigo Bookmarks 03/24/2013
What's the CSS :scope pseudo-class for? - HTML5Rocks Updates
":scope is defined in CSS Selectors 4 as: A pseudo-class which represents any element that is in the contextual reference element set."
demosthenes.info – Design From the Inside Out With CSS Min-Content
"min-content is one of a suite of possible values for intrinsic and extrinsic width and height values, which, together with flexbox, grid and other layout systems, allow for greater flexibility in web page designs."
There’s more to the CSS rem unit than font sizing | CSS-Tricks
"I’ll describe how to use the CSS rem unit to scale specific page elements while leaving others unaffected. I’ll also discuss how to use it as a replacement for the under-supported vw (viewporth width) unit."
Webflow - Design Responsive Websites Visually
"Build using our powerful and intuitive UI. Export production-ready HTML & CSS."
A simple (and very rough) responsive table solution | Max Design
"Would you like to see a super-simple solution for responsive tables – that needs no JavaScript and just a few lines of CSS?"
Wirefy | The Responsive Wireframe Framework
"Wirefy is a style agnostic wireframe tool built on the principles of content first. It allows you to create functional responsive wireframes using standard elements."
CSS Architectures: Principles of Code Cleanup
"First, we must put in place several essential practices for writing clean and efficient CSS. Second, we need to learn about and institute the central methodologies of the increasingly popular scalable CSS architectures"
Why Responsive Web Design is not always the best option for a mobile SEO strategy | mobiForge
"This is often taken to mean that the only choice is between Responsive Web Design (RWD) and a "separate site" when these are not the only options."