Diigo Bookmarks 02/09/2013
Mobile Accessibility: TED's Updated iOS App
"With this update, the TED app becomes the largest content provider to use the new iOS6 subtitle feature."
Introducing the New HTML5 Element - SitePoint
"The element has been surprisingly controversial. It's been argued that it's unnecessary and pages should permit more than one main tag. But it's here to stay and I think it will be useful."
CAPTCHA: Inaccessible to Everyone
"But I am also yet to find a CAPTCHA that complies to WCAG2 either."
Make your sites load faster | Tutorial | .net magazine
"Using prefetch and prerender on paginated content is probably a safe and useful implementation - for example on a tutorials web page that is split into multiple sections."
OpenDeviceLab.com - Locate, Contribute to and Sponsor an Open Device Lab (ODL)
"Open Device Labs (ODLs, #ODL) are a grass roots community movement. They establish shared community pools of internet connected devices for testing purposes of web and app developers."
CSS background-position and percent | 456 Berea Street
"After a lot of fiddling around with calc() I managed to figure out how to calculate background-position in a way that lets you use % to correctly position an image where the column widths do not have the same proportions as the columns in the box."
LukeW | Data Monday: Mobile, Responsive Design, & Web Page Sizes
"So we're moving in the right direction... towards more performant multi-device solutions."
Wrapup of Navigation in Lists | CSS-Tricks
"Personally, I think marking up navigation as lists seems to be the best choice. You can look at the facts and decide for yourself though."