Diigo Bookmarks 01/30/2013
A List Apart 5.0 · An A List Apart Article
"Putting the content first, and conceiving of its presentation by default as a fluid series of multi-device encounters, designer Mike Pick and developer Tim Murtaugh have delivered a high-impact, responsive reading experience with the virtues (but not the constraints) of great print design."
How to Order CSS Selectors, a Draft · Jens O. Meiert
"In this document I’m proposing an order for selector and rule sorting, for anyone who has a need for more structure."
APOD: 2013 January 29 - Apollo 16: Driving on the Moon
"What would it be like to drive on the Moon? You don't have to guess -- humans have actually done it. Pictured above, Apollo 16 astronauts John Young and Charles Duke recorded video during one such drive in 1972, with a digital version now available on the web."
Navigation in Lists: To Be or Not To Be | CSS-Tricks
"And if we continue to use lists, why is it always an unordered list? I remember Ryan Singer going off on that one time. Doesn't it stand to reason that we chose the order of that list very deliberately?"
Web standards aren’t just about HTML and CSS
"Standards shouldn’t just be limited to HTML and CSS. They should also apply to other aspects of running a successful website. It falls to you as the website owner to establish these standards. "
The new rules of the responsive web | Webdesigner Depot
"As the term moves from buzzword into a common part of every web design project, the way we work as web professionals needs to change."
Using HTML 5.1 | The Paciello Group Blog
"If you are an HTML author or developer – use the HTML 5.1 Nightly edition of the HTML specification."