Diigo Bookmarks 01/26/2013
Juicy Studio: Accessible Data Tables with Static Headers
"The best solution would be to use CSS to scroll the main body while leaving the headers static, but there doesn't appear to be an accessible solution that works cross-browser."
Media Query width and vertical scrollbars | 456 Berea Street
"On Mac OS X 10.7 and newer, there is a setting in the General pane in System Preferences to show scrollbars only when scrolling. With that option selected, WebKit browsers do include the scrollbar in the media query width but only display it during scrolling, and when they do they display it on top of the content instead of beside it. "
Responsive Design of the Future with Flexbox - Treehouse Blog
"While Flexbox layout isn't ready for widespread use, the concept promises a boon to responsive design by shifting more layout responsibility to CSS while giving designers the tools to better use space, arrangement and alignment."
Bruce Lawson's personal site : On the styling of forms
"Allowing form styling through CSS would make it simple and allow developers to satisfy the marketing department's demand for sliders in corporate heliotrope and goldenrod, while using native, accessible controls rather than JavaScript libraries, ARIA bolt-ons and abusing semantics."
Announcing the Firefox OS Developer Preview Phone! ✩ Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
"Purchase a Firefox OS Developer Preview device! Working with Geeksphone and Telefonica we've created a Firefox OS Developer Preview phone especially for developers."
"Play the tools in your toolkit to their respective strengths, and sort out a way to communicate your design ideas to clients without forcing them to envision what a fully-polished final printed out product could look like."
"You can have the most beautiful, functional and technologically advanced website in the world, but if your organisation is not managing it correctly it will fail."