Diigo Bookmarks 11/17/2012
Hammer for Mac - Available Now
"Hammer is a web development tool for web designers & developers. Build out static HTML sites quickly and easily. No fuss, no mess, no PHP."
Accessible custom checkboxes and radio buttons | 456 Berea Street
"While this technique feels much more reliable than the hacky JavaScript solutions that were the only option a few years ago, there may be issues other than the Opera Mini one that I have missed."
Adaptive Vs. Responsive Layouts And Optimal Form Field Labels | Smashing UX Design
"An adaptive layout has its merits because it can be a more pragmatic solution that is cheaper to implement and easier to test."
Moving IE specific CSS into @media blocks | Keith Clark
"The idea is to put your IE styles into a @media block that will only be applied in certain versions of IE."
Accessibility is part of UX (it isn’t a swear word) – Humanising Technology Blog
"The reality is that accessibility is simply a key part of UX."
10 Tips How To Handle Responsive Navigation Menus Successfully - The Usabilla Blog
"Here are 10 tips how to effectively design your navigation menus both on big and on small screens."