Diigo Bookmarks 11/09/2012
What We've Learned About Responsive Design
"Responsive design is more work. And more expensive. Maybe you don't need it as much as you think you do."
Bringing Responsiveness to Apps | Information Architects
"iA Writer for Mac is the first native text editor that uses a responsive design. Why did it take so long?"
Examining The Next Web's Latest Redesign by ZURB
"We set up a series of Verify tests that mirrored similar questions to those asked of the ReadWrite redesign. Does the new redesign work well for readers?"
Mobile viewport update - QuirksBlog
"As to position: fixed, it is supported correctly by Safari iOS6, Android 3+, Chrome, QQ, and Firefox."
This Is An Updated Website. | Brad Frost Web
"The navigation is also repeated in the footer, creating a site sandwich where the navigation is the bun and the delicious content is the meat."
Off Canvas Menu with CSS :target | CSS-Tricks
"the whole thing fails if :target doesn't work"