Diigo Bookmarks 10/27/2012
Should Mobile Design Principles Be Applied to the Desktop? | | Peachpit
"in complex tasks, minimizing interaction cost is of the essence—and is much harder to do on a mobile device or with a mobile-based design"
A List Apart: Articles: Responsive Comping: Obtaining Signoff without Mockups
"We always provide a permanent project URL with /v1 appended to it, such as aafh-css.heroku.com/v1. From that point on, version one never changes, and subsequent revisions are posted at their own URLs, like aafh-css.heroku.com/v2."
The Architect's Guide to Choosing Between HTML5 or Native Mobile Apps
"When deciding between native and HTML5 apps, the main axis of debate is likely to be cost versus User Experience."
Case Study: Responsive Design for Time.com | appendTo
"When a component visually breaks, insert a breakpoint and have it match the comp for the next smaller breakpoint"
Your mobile site is slower than you think | Feature | .net magazine
"a typical ecommerce site takes 11+ seconds to load, one-third of site owners don’t have a mobile-specific site, and LTE isn’t the performance saviour it’s been touted as"
Josh Clark on going beyond mobile | Interview | .net magazine
"We need to think about organising our content so that it will flow into any device"