Diigo Bookmarks 10/26/2012
How to Get IE 10 Playing Nice With Responsive Websites | Webmonkey | Wired.com
"It’s also worth noting that Microsoft is supporting the @viewport declaration rather than the viewport meta tag (IE 10 uses the prefix: @-ms-viewport)."
Time Moves to Responsive Design | Adweek
"A study by the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ) with The Economist Group found that, the pervasiveness of apps notwithstanding, about 60 percent of mobile users get their news mostly from browsers, more than twice the percent of users who get their news mostly from apps."
Responsive design with paper - Webcredible blog
"One of the tricks I really like is this folded piece of paper showing how a long list of tags in our blog might be collapsed into a drop-down menu"
CSS3 Media Queries Test on your browser
"This website creates media queries and evalute them dynamically in your browser."