Diigo Bookmarks 06/15/2012
"Accessible Firefox for Android nightly builds, as of June 13, have quick navigation keys that those who are blind are most likely familiar with from the desktop screen reader world!"
HTML5 Accessibility Chops: When to use an ARIA role | The Paciello Group Blog
"Unlike the WHATWG living standard, the W3C HTML5 specification has a more realistic stance towards the use of default implicit roles, as it allows authors to use ARIA to fill the gaps in browser implementation support."
Google Chrome Blog: Chrome and the New Shiny
"The Chrome Canary channel already shows the early results of this work, bringing basic high-resolution support to Chrome."
Open letter to Opera re: Accessibility Support | The Paciello Group Blog
"The latest Opera browser has been released; Opera 12. In many ways Opera is a great browser and Opera 12 includes lots of shiny new stuff, but still no support for assistive technology (AT) users."
LukeW | Multi-Device Adaptation vs. Optimization
"Deciding responsive design doesn’t work because it isn’t well suited to optimizing payloads to just what’s needed is judging its effectiveness with the wrong measure."
5 Reasons Why Responsive Design Is Not Worth It - ManageWP
"Today I am going to explain why I believe that responsive design is not always the optimal solution for web design."